I’ve often found that you learn a lot by working in teams. I find that something’s go very well and others go very wrong. By the end of every assignment I always find myself asking myself what I would do If I could do it again?

The things that went well were access points. ROS were very good at giving us passwords and helping us with their Facebook and Twitter Accounts.  ROS is a very professional company and they communicated with us in a very professional way.

Other things that went well were meetings. While sometimes not everyone was present and some meetings got heated, the group did make time for a lot of meetings. Meetings were very important to our workings for this project.

Things that could be improved on would definitely be communication avenues. While avenues were set up such as Facebook group pages and everyone communicated via Gmail, these avenues are slow and emotionless. Often people missed what had been said or couldn’t find bits of information that were supplied within email threads. On other occasions ROS was added into email conversations that they should not have been in.

If I could do this all over again I certainly would do it differently. For starters I would have been more vigilant to find a company from the beginning rather than leaving it for two weeks due to other college work.

Overall I found the project very interesting and I learned a lot about Social Media, ROS Nutrition and what it is like to work with an external Company.